Bowen also saw an increase in the month-over-month and year-over-year MLS®Home Price Index of 1.6 and 7.5 per cent respectively, while the REBGV was down -9.7 per cent month-over-month and -2.7 per cent year-over-year. (All statistics quoted are for single detached homes.)
With the number of listings increasing and sales remaining stagnant, the market has become more favourable to buyers, who have greater selection and the potential to find sellers more motivated than in a more active market. This said, the sale price to list price ratio of 94 per cent in February is similar to the Bowen 5-year average of 96 per cent.
Both buyers and sellers seem content to wait—perhaps until Spring—to see who blinks first, which will set the tone for the coming year.
Bowen Island YOY at 28 February 2019:
• MLS®HPI: $995,375
• Median Sales Price: $ 900,000
• Average Sales Price: $1,098,859
STATS ON BOWEN is a detailed analysis published monthly once all data for the month has been reported.
For example, the January report would be published during the last week of February.
If you would like early access to the report during the first week of the month,